Elements of Art
Standards:                                             CR.1, CR.2, CR.3, PR.4

Students  can learn about the Elements of Art by creating original artwork 

  1. Introduction/Motivation: Teacher will show examples of an art project to students
  2. Teacher will demonstrate basic techniques for creating the project
  3. Teacher will assist each student throughout their art project
  4. I: Family Day Projects featuring  scientific "Outer Space" motifs:                                K/3:  Astronaut Self-Portraits                            4/6:  Buzz Lightyear and Outer Space images, planets, and Satellites
  5. Art History :  K/3 :Ancient Egypt                      4: Egyptian Mummy Cases  /1-point perspective Outside- Landscape and  a Building    (architecture)                                      5. 5th : Medieval Castle perspective drawing & painting (architecture)
  6. K/1:                                                                Andy Warhol Colorful Hand print patterns
  7. 5/6: Keith Haring figures/ Create: Crayon Scratch Board Art
  8. 4/6 Keith Haring Figures / Scratch Art
Accommodations & Modifications

preferential seating, fewer tasks